Sean Warman and the Ghosts at The Yard 7th July

Here’s a video of one of the tracks from the gig at The Yard. It’s called One In Ten. I’ll post the EP once I’ve recorded it, it should include this track as well as a couple of others.

For the next few gigs I’m hoping to do pop-up shop window performances. I’m looking at a few places at the moment in east London, namely Hackney and possibly Shoreditch kind of area.

Sean Warman and the Ghosts

Me and my new Electone organ.

I’ve been offered a gig with my old band Super Beat Galaxy, at The Yard in Hackney Wick. James couldn’t make it so I decided to use the opportunity to try out an idea I had a while back.

I’ve wanted to do a performance using a single loop pedal where I play a range of different of instruments into it one at a time, slowly building a loop getting more and more complex as it progresses. It’s quite a simple idea but one that potentially has a lot of different avenues for me to explore. I can use a range of interesting sounds from samples to cheap percussion, fx pedals and any other instruments I happen to have – including my new Yamaha Electone organ, yesmate.

I’m debuting it at The Yard bar and kitchen on the 7th July, this Saturday. Practice’s are going really well so hopefully it should be a good gig.

We’re filming it and also making a EP, which I’ll be posting within a couple of weeks.