Glastonbury/Stumbling Home

I’m going to Glastonbury! Fuckyeah! I’m also gonna be playing! I know what you’re thinking… on the Pyramid right? Well, not quite. My girlfriend’s getting free tickets to show her art performance Total Eclipse of the Head and I’m gonna be helping them out by playing some music.

I haven’t been to Glastonbury since I was about fourteen in 2000. I was pretty lucky, went with my mate from school Daniel and we managed to jump the fence with my sister and her friends from uni. It was the last year that security was pretty lax. There were so many people, apparently like twice as many as capacity. Almost every fence was down by the end of it, we just walked out.

My eyes got pretty opened that year, not a drugs thing, I was still pretty naive and didn’t even notice that most people were out of their minds. But I did see this woman fucking a rock! I was up at stone circle, it’s like the hippy area where most people would just stay there the whole festival taking hallucinogens. There was this black drummer in like a trance drumming these congas and this dancing girl across the way was getting really into it started stripping off, jumped onto one of the huge stones and started riding it along with the music. I was shocked! People started laughing and shouting “somebody fuck that girl!”. It’s a real family event.

I’m working on this program for my APC20 so that I can perform using Ableton, based on the Keyboard Sequencer from the last post. I’ve just figured out how to get the lights to do what I want them to, which took a whole day, so now it should be easy [hmmm right].

I couldn’t decide on a track to upload with this post so Ella decided for me. This is a tune I made with Tumbling Squares called Stumbling Home.

Keyboard Sequencer

I’ve been thinking of a way to make a physical step sequencer for Ableton so I dont have to use the mouse so often and also because I love using step sequencer’s to build drum tracks, it’s a lot quicker and more intuitive.

I searched around for a program where you can control mouse move and clicks with a MIDI controller so you could get it to change anything you want on the screen. I’ve found a couple of people that have managed this for a PC but no one yet who’s done it with Mac and they were using a combination of programs rather just one.

So I found this great program called ControllerMate that lets you use any incoming usb or MIDI signal and use it to control any function on your computer! Pretty ground breaking badboy shit no?

Keyboard Mouse Controller (Step Sequencer for Ableton) from Sean Warman on Vimeo.

Check This

Hi, sorry I’ve been away for a while, been working my arse off at the moment to fund the upcoming pop-up gig. I’ll post some more up about that soon. For the mean time here’s another track from my early producing days in my bedroom-shed in Hatfield. My friend from college introduced me to Dre and the Chronic. I didn’t really get the G-Funk thing till a bit later on but I still went through the album to see what I could pilfer from it anyway. Got a sample of Dre going “check this out muthafucka” from A Nigga Witta Gun (“what? you can’t talk witta gun in yo mouth?”).

We played this tune at a house party in my flat in Totnes in about 2007 or something, it went down pretty well. Our flat was a bit of a shit-hole so we used to use it for parties. I turned up to one once that had half of the town waiting outside. I got upstairs and it was so rammed that these two miscreants were shagging up against the radiator and no-one had noticed. My friend pointed them out to me and we all turned and laughed at them while they pulled up their kaks and ran out the flat. After that things went pretty smooth till my idiot house-mate started a fight with the hoover. He’d do shit like that when he was wasted cos I think he thought it challenged people, but generally he just looked a bit of a psycho. We used to joke that he kept his girlfriend gagged in the wardrobe.