I Want I Want I Want!

What new bit of equipment toy am I after this week? I am a total gearslut, there’s this weekly newsletter I get from the music equipment mag Sound On Sound and they send me shameless promotional competitions that I never win just so I can dribble over some more gear that will totally change my home studio, making it “more authentic” or “more intuitive” to transform my creativity from stunted and limited to seamless and free. All it really amounts to is me staring at yet another bit of gear saying to myself “look at how many knobs that ones got!”

Saying that…

This is the Native Instruments Maschine.

Ooh perdy int it?

I want one. It’s like an Akai MPC drum machine and sequencer (which I also want and have for the past four years) but it connects and works from you’re computer. So the computer is like the brain in the background while you get to use this beauty, with all it’s pushers and twiddles, to make like the best tune ever.

I’m stuck in this gear world. I think I spend at least 12 hours a week just staring at this shit on ebay, which I think means it’s actually becoming a problem. There’s this wicked interview with Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) in 1958. It’s when Television had just been introduced into peoples homes. This is an interview on TV with Aldous Huxley talking to him about the future effects of TV and advertising. It’s pretty appropriate to my condition.