The Dance Commander

Had a small test of the MIDI-Moov this week, for the Touch It gig, and it works really well! We’re thinking that the controller gets strapped to someone so they can dance to effect the music.

My friend Jason King is going to help us with the lighting by working on a midi program so they lights change with the person moving also. This should give more of a visual indicator for whoever’s strapped in, so they can see when they’re changing something.

Here’s a small video of Jason testing the MIDI-Moov. Whenever he moves around there’s a filter over the music that moves with him.

Dance Rants – Older Brother

So, as I was saying before, I started reading Naked Lunch a few years ago and got really into it. It’s written by William S Burroughs who’s a part of the Beat movement in the 1940’s, although Burroughs is an entity all of his own.

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I was working in this office at the time where I was employed to answer the phone, maybe, once a shift. I kid you not. It was the most specific type of phone call from someone who worked for the same company as me. When I did get the call I wasn’t actually given the information or the tools to deal with the problem – which was something to do with fitting a BT internet cable – so I was told to just transfer them to a different department! Bloody madness. They employed four people for that job! To cover shift changes and lunch breaks. The guy on my shift had been doing it for about three months and was so boring I filled the time writing angry rants about anything that popped into my head.

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Me and Craz – the guitarist from Tumbling Squares – got together and wrote this tune at the time…