Shape Shifting Phone Buttons

I swear I actually had this idea about four years ago! Ok, I probably not the first to think of it BUT… wouldn’t it be wicked if a smartphone had an adaptable surface which changes depending on what screen you’re on, this way you can have tactile feedback on a touch screen device. Maybe they could work like a Pin Point Impression but using smaller more detailed pins…

I just came across this, which could be the closest we have so far… (click the image to find out more)

Top Ten Transhumanist Technologies

Click to read Lifeboat’s Top Ten Transhumanist Technologies.

This article’s tone is almost giddy at the prospect of the human race enhancing it’s body and spreading throughout the universe but somehow it gives me a slight forboding; I’m fairly reserved on this matter. On one hand I love new technology, it’s exciting and keeps me creatively interested but I also find it distracting and kind of meaningless. Once you have the new thing it becomes the old thing as soon as another new thing appears on the horizon.

The spread of the human race throughout the universe has too many similarities with the behaviour of a disease for me to feel completely comfortable with it. Sure our population is growing but maybe not as much as we are led to think it is. There is still a lot of space and time where we are, and there’s still a whole lot we don’t know about our own bodies. The horizon’s pretty and mysterious but it never really gets any closer. Besides, every new pasture comes with a whole host of new problems and they’re maybe just as boring as the ones we face at the moment…

Why are we here? What is consciousness? How does the brain work?

Then again maybe our problems aren’t that boring it’s just that they can’t neccesserily be fixed using the same format the west uses to fix everything…economic growth.